Tuesday 27 April 2010

Kenya School Update

2009-2010 Graduation Day
Hi Friends,
We received new photos from the school in Kenya and wanted to share them with you. The foundation for their success was strong and we are proud to see the school and children growing steadily. It has been an exciting year for them with new additions and positive changes. The building financer from Holland has been generous enough to expand on the schools' success and funded three more classrooms a new office/watch tower and employed new teachers a cook and a grounds caretaker.

In November the school hosted it's first graduation ceremony for the children who passed their exams and moved up a level. They have worked hard for their success and we celebrate with them. We encourage you to send the school children a post card to acknowledge their hard work.

The address again is: Amani School PO Box 5618Diani Beach, Kenya Africa
To the Individual Child Sponsors: Take the time to reflect and appreciate how important your support for these children has been. They have been fed, protected and educated for an entire year with your $150 donation. It is time again to renew the sponsorships and we hope you can find a way to continue giving this gift of life, education and a promising future. Education is making a difference in this part of the world. Look for information coming soon to remind you how to donate to B&B Relief/Kenya Sponsorships

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