Saturday 18 August 2007

Return to the Orphanage

In light of the previous blog we now bring you Smiles and Joy from Vietnam.
Good bye Discouraging Kenya and Hello HoiAn Orphanage.

It was inspirational to see remarkable progress the disabled children had made, in our year of absence. They were walking, crawling, lifting, eating and laughing through the days.

We especially commend the Kianh Foundation for their continual funding of physiotherapists, who play a huge role in bringing about the change that renewed our spirits and restored our smiles.

We were surprised to see many new children at the orphanage and a few who were lost to death or adoption. Their loss is not forgotten, yet we focus on the growing needs of the existing children. On this trip we were able to assist 35 of the children on outings. Unfortunately, it was only to the dentist for cleaning and tooth extractions, but afterwards we shared a lunch in the city, a visit to the park or shopping at the city market. The children were overjoyed to leave the restraints of their room, ride in a vehicle and see the world outside their orphanage. Many thanks to ‘East Meets West’ for providing free dental coverage for all the children in the orphanage.

We also want to praise the USA Foundation who supports the continuing medical needs of the abandoned children. Several of the newest children were suffering from life threatening conditions including starvation, water in the brain, and lung infections. We had the opportunity to play a part in transporting a few children to local hospitals for blood tests, x-rays and cat scans detecting chronic illness and birth defects. While we were there, one of these scans identified a severe case of hydrocephalous (water on the brain) A surgery is being scheduled to drain and relieve the pressure on his brain and we are thrilled to know that this dear child will have a chance to live and grow. Hoian Foundation and the Kianh Foundation are both small groups of devoted people who work in the orphanage daily, saving lives and giving children hope for a future.

We leave the staff and children with a promise to return next year, and anxiously await the rewards of their smiles and determination. We leave our readers, with the children’s smiles as they proudly take Big Steps into a world of hope.

Thank you to B&B Relief contributors for your financial support. The last bit of 2007 funding was donated to the Kiahn Foundation so that they may continue their good works with the children.
**If you would like to revisit the first pictures and stories from 2006 at the HoiAn Orphanage, remember the original link for travel in 2006. Scroll down to find Vietnam.

Now... We are headed home to find and re-visit peace, tranquility, civilization, friendship and love on the homefront.

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