Thursday 10 February 2011

Chinese New Year in Vietnam

Street vendors

My Son ruins

Hoi An town
Chinese New Year with friends

Viet cuisine

Cold day at the beach

Hoi An City
my new rice paddy office

visiting ancient sites

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Back to Vietnam

New Day Center- Disabled children doing a play for the staff & parents

Hi good people,
Much has changed in Vietnam since we were here last. There are several really great things happening and some disheartening news. We choose to focus on the things that are going well and offer support where it’s best utilized. It is great to see the children and get updates on their progress.

The UK foundation which worked within the government orphanage the last 8 years training caregivers and bringing support, have grown to meet their capabilities. They now bring support to other disadvantaged children in the area. We continue to visit the children in the orphanage and those who were moved to other facilities. Since the orphanage receives a large amount of support from tourism and local businesses we have assessed the current needs of other projects here in Vietnam.

One project in particular we’d like to support, is the new Day Center for Disabled Children run by the Kianh Foundation. We continue to praise this group, who in the midst of struggles and constraints, focuses on long-term goals while bringing immediate help to those with the greatest need.

visiting the orphanage
Phuc speeding around

The foundation is successfully operating a pilot project with 20 disabled children in Dien Ban, 10 minutes from HoiAn and getting ready to build a new center in March to meet the increasing requests for help. Dien Ban is an impoverished countryside region in which half of the households live on agriculture and forestry. Dien Ban has one of the highest proportions of disabled and disadvantaged children in the Quang Nam Province. The local government authorities attribute this, in part to the heavy bombing and spraying of defoliants during the war with the United States. Government records show over 800 children with disability in this small area. With no access or alternatives for education and therapy, these children have little chance of mobility and lie helpless in homes that can’t provide for their needs.
It is our wish that we can bring support to these children by providing monthly or yearly sponsorship for the Day Center. Sponsorship includes daily transportation to the center, individualized education, meals, physiotherapy and group play. Additionally, when a child attends the day center, the parent can work to provide a better life for the entire family.

Kwa learning to write

Kianh showing off

Several of our friends have asked to help and we encourage any of you to sponsor a child for any amount of time. The following three children are next on a waiting list to be sponsored at $60 month

1.) Dat is 7 years old and has Cerebral Palsy. He lives alone with his mother, following the death of his father last year.  Until recently Dat and his mother made the long journey from their home in the countryside to Danang city every day for Dat to experience physiotherapy.The new centrt is near to their home and can also offer education to Dat, who is a bright and clever little boy.
2.) Thanh is 9 years old and has Cerebral Palsy. He has a strong, happy and determined personality. Thanh is fascinated by vehicles and it can be sometimes hard to get him to focus on his work when there are motorbikes, bicycles and (on a really good day) trucks going past the centre. The highlight of his physiotherapy session is when he is allowed to use the specially adapted bicycle to drive around the courtyard at the end of the day.
3.) Khanh is 4 years old with Cerebral Palsy. He is making amazing progress at the centre and we would like to have him there regularly. His progress is also due to his parents, who emulate the therapy done at the center and reinforce it at home. (Many Thanks to David and Lori S. for sponsoring Khanh for one year!)

Lunar New Year Party with children at the Day Center
For more information please contact Brian and Brenda Luzader or visit the Kianh Foundation web site

Donations and Sponsorships can be made through the Kianh Foundation
or through B&B Relief. Please notify Brenda of your donation request.

BeHong can now sit and scoot

Hien can now run & play

Tung successfully begs to out and play